Wrapped-D3 Scatterplot

Elizabeth Carney

This is a scatterplot created with the C++-wrapped version of D3.js in Empirical.
Click on the different tabs to see some different kinds of scatterplots that you can make with Empirical, coding in C++ instead of JavaScript. They get more complex from left to right, so I suggest starting with Foundation. Feel free to use this code as a jumping-off point for your own visualizations!

Dr. Emily Dolson, Alex Lalejini, Oliver Baldwin Edwards, and I rewrote and revamped the D3-wrapper during the summer of 2020 for WAVES (a workshop for the development of Avida-ED and its underlying tools). I am so thankful to have gotten the chance to work with them, and thank you for checking out this demo!

Please take a look at my blogpost about this project for more information and further resources.